Finally an easy way to configure networks!
90% time saving when configuring your networks!

All in one device!

New release: Version 1.2!

We have released a new version with many exciting new functions. For example, you can now dynamically set values for individual switches when rolling out!

The old way:

Technological change
Continuing to provide customers with the latest technologies will be a challenge. New technologies are being developed faster and faster and it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with them.
Complex configuration
Modern network switches have a confusing and complicated configuration interface. As a result, the use of networks is time-consuming and therefore costly.
Training employees in the field of network technology is a basic requirement for operating networks. But what happens if this employee is ill?

The new way:

Define your setting once and apply it to all switches at the same time!
90% time and cost savings
Reliability through automation
Independence through simple operation
Withautomationto moretime savings
Without CX-Engine:
30Manual Configurations
With CX-Engine:
In the first step you specify which devices you want to configure. We only need the IP address, access data, device type and manufacturer. You give the device a unique name for recognition.
For us, a network switch is a network switch. No matter if Cisco, Netgear or Luminex. All settings you make in the presets are applicable for all devices of this device type.
The last step is simple: You tell which preset should be applied to which switch! The configuration will then be applied to all switches.

Would you like a demo?

Make an appointment here, where we can show you all the features and functions of the CX-Engine up close in just 15 minutes!

Central Managment for configuring your devices

One software to do it all!

1. Add device

In the first step, you create your inventory. In other words, all the devices that you want to configure. You give each device an individual name, enter the IP address and the access data and define what type of device it is. It is important to note that we only differentiate between device types and manufacturers.


No vendor dependencyleads to100% flexibility
One piece of information is crucial: What type of device is it! But: We do not differentiate between models. The specification "networkswitch" is sufficient for assigning the appropriate configuration to the device.
Which devicetypes we support - that is, which devices you can automatically configure with the CX-Engine - can be found here:

2. Add preset

In the second step, you create the settings for the devices. We call these settings presets. Specific settings are stored in the preset, which can then be rolled out to the units.


Presetsleading tono manualconfiguration
The CX-Engine is a champion in generalising settings and thus enabling a consistent configuration. In this way, you create settings only once and they are automatically applied to all devices - regardless of the manufacturer.
Which settings we support - i.e. which functions you can configure automatically with the CX-Engine - can be found here:

3. Apply preset

Now the magic happens! The settings are assigned to the devices created in the first step - we call it mapped - and then deployed. The process applies the settings to the devices. Afterwards, you can view the status directly.


You can save your configurations as a project and bring them along to the next event. The inventory and the presets are saved in a project.


Completeautomationin your pocket: TheCX-Engine
The CX-Engine runs on your special hardware, which you can obtain directly from us. This has the advantage that you do not have to dedicate your work laptop to this application. In addition, it is possible to work directly on the network with the built-in WLAN.


Here you will find all the features that the CX-Engine will have in the future.
Version 1.3
A small monitoring solution for networkswitches
Functionality to set the IP-Addresse of a device automatically
Function to set DHCP on the Port B
Functionality to view the log of only one selected switch in the deployment-window
Schematic view of ports to be assigned to vlans
Version 1.4
Function to set your own WLAN password
Undo function
Functionality to set a range of ports to be configured in presets of networkswitches
Version 1.5
Function to set your own WLAN password
Undo function
Functionality to set a range of ports to be configured in presets of networkswitches
Version 1.8
GrandMA2 Support
GrandMA3 Support
Function for creating a preset from a device
Functionality to set a range of ports to be configured in presets of networkswitches
Version 2
TCP as new communications protocol
Videohub as new devicetype
Networktypology as new feature
CX-Engine as DHCP-Server
Names resolution of the devices in the inventory in the WLAN

Are you curious?

Make an appointment here to talk about your CX engine and find out which pricing model is most interesting for you!

Frequently asked

Can several presets be assigned to one device?
Yes, several presets can be assigned to one device. If presets have the same settings, the setting of the last preset rolled out is always valid. The assigned presets are marked with a colored circle in the preset mapping menu on the device.
I can not reach my CX-Engine anymore.
The CX-Engine does not emit any wlan.
The license key ist not valid.



Leo Künne
Leo Künne
+49 172 712 4468
© 2024 CX-Networks GmbH
Version: 1.4.2
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